MDDB statement

For the recognition and support of a collaborative effort to create, establish, and maintain a database that allows the localisationaccessibilityinteroperability, and reuse of molecular dynamics simulation data.

This would democratise our field and materialise the impact of molecular dynamics simulations on life sciences research.

We invite you to read our statement and support our initiative.

Additional information

Executive summary

The summary document of the MDDB project and its international impact.


Policy brief
Initial report on the need for MDDB, outlining its core objectives and alignment with existing European initiatives. It highlights the importance of engaging with national roadmaps and the ESFRI framework, emphasising the strategic relevance of MDDB in the landscape of European research infrastructure. Additionally, it presents key strategies to achieve the project’s objectives and advance the development of MDDB.

The need to implement FAIR principles in biomolecular simulations

Document created by the MDDB consortium presenting the opinion of the molecular dynamics (MD) community on the need to adopt a new FAIR paradigm for the use of molecular simulations. It highlights the need for a collaborative effort to create, establish, and maintain a database that enables the location, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse of molecular dynamics simulation data. Such a development would democratise the field and significantly enhance the impact of MD simulations on life sciences research.