Building the future of molecular research
A European repository for biosimulation data
The MDDB Project
Your gateway to comprehensive molecular dynamics data
At MDDB we are harnessing decades of cutting-edge computational resources to build a unified database that compiles and organises all data generated by molecular dynamics simulations. By making these data accessible to a wider scientific community, we hope to drive new research and discoveries in fields such as biochemistry, pharmacology, and personalized medicine.

Stay up to date with MDDB
The latest insights from our project
Webinar: The hexABC project & MDDB
This webinar session, titled “The hexABC project & MDDB”, will feature Federica Battistini from IRB Barcelona, who will present [...]
Watch the recording of the second MDDB webinar
The recording of our second MDDB webinar is now available online! In this session, Andrew Emerson from CINECA presented [...]
Webinar: High throughput molecular dynamics simulations from the LIGATE project
In our second instalment of the MDDB webinar series, Andrew Emerson from CINECA will present the LIGATE project, which [...]